Amazon strives to be Earth’s most customer-obsessed company, where people can find and discover the widest possible selection of safe goods. The safety of our customers has always been one of our top priorities at Amazon. Amazon works closely with its selling partners to ensure that products sold in the store are safe and compliant. Further, when we identify a product that is unsafe or non-compliant, we move quickly to remove the product from sale in our store and take additional corrective measures to protect customers.
Consistent with our existing commitments, Amazon Canada signed the Canadian Product Safety Pledge (the Pledge) and joined the signing ceremony on Wednesday, September 28, 2023. The Pledge is a commitment made voluntarily to Health Canada by Signatories (Amazon Canada and eBay Canada), reflecting a commitment to strengthen and improve product safety online through a combination of preventative and corrective actions, and annual reporting on the outcomes and effectiveness of the Signatories’ product safety initiatives. It is the first of its kind in Canada and is modelled on product safety pledges that have been signed by Amazon and others in the EU, Australia, and Japan.

Eva Lorenz, Country Manager, Amazon Canada, attended the ceremony to sign the Pledge and commented that, “Amazon strives to be the earth’s most customer-centric company where every product available for sale and delivered to a customer is safe. We are continuously innovating new ways to keep customers safe, and this pledge features our ongoing effort to protect our customers.”